Barbara asked me to check in with her three pups to see how they were doing in general and to see what her Rottie mix pup, Samba, had to say specifically about her interactions with kiddos. FYI, I like to have the bare minimum before connecting - names and photos - so the experience isn't altered by what I've been told.
What they had to say....
I just tuned in to them....Hawkeye was clambering to be heard first, but I told him to wait his turn!
Patches has some aches and pains, old age....but her spirit is good. The winter is tougher - she misses being really active like when she was young. She worries that she will miss something going on at the house - an intruder or something "bad" that she can't hear. She does not want him (Hawkeye) to push her out of Alpha status. She just snorted when I told her that I asked angels, fairies and unicorns were assisting with the Reiki...she's not so sure there are unicorns, haha! Love and dignity are important to her....she kind of reminds me of you that way - elegant, but feisty! Maybe next time they go to the vet, ask about something that you can use if her joints bother her - cosequin or something like that? She also said when it's her time that Samba is next in command - not the young one. He has a lot to learn!
Okay - lets see what Samba has to say......
Samba said she might be a mix of breeds, but she is glorious and she is the keeper of peace at the house. I saw her dressed up like the opera character with the horns and breastplate???? She's ready for summer and the boat. She really has this chill, calm vibe. "Well of course there are angels! They are around Mom a lot!" Yes, she has an issue with children because they are not "sensible" - when they run around being wild (being kids), she wants them to calm down - nips and snaps to her are just a way of showing who's in charge and since they're pups they're not in charge! On leash socialization with young kids may help - but her loyalties and priorities are protecting you guys and the home. She doesn't *dislike* kids, but she really doesn't like it when they don't follow the rules (whatever dog rules they may be), and I just got a head tilt when I said what about if the kids are on their own property? This may be be challenging because she doesn't think she's doing anything wrong. So when she’s on the porch barking at the kids it is the dog equivalent of "get offa my lawn!" She likes calm....kiddos are not calm.....though she's not enthused about meeting the kids...she's a grown up and wants to be around grown ups! Boy does she have a stubborn streak. Oof - I asked her to try to be more understanding of the "puppies/kids" on the other property...that it was important to you. Not sure how effective it will be - just really pile on the positive reinforcement when she doesn't bark at them (but does bark appropriately when someone pulls in the drive)......
Reached out to Hawkeye "I'M HERE! I'M HERE! HERE I AM!"
He says he's strong and handsome! And there's so much to do!!! I know he's not, but holy cow he feels like a Jack Russell type energy! Tangential thinker, very smart. I told him that his name is the same as one of my favorite comic book characters and he was pleased, haha! He feels good, doesn't seem to have any complaints...gets impatient with his sisters getting impatient with him? I guess he barks at Patches a lot… he needs to respect his elders! He wants to make sure you make time to play with Hawkeye...you know how boys are!
Okay - Reiki sent for all three for any healing they need from tips of nose to tips of tails. I love the motley mix you have. Thank you for letting me talk to your pups!
What they had to say....
I just tuned in to them....Hawkeye was clambering to be heard first, but I told him to wait his turn!
Patches has some aches and pains, old age....but her spirit is good. The winter is tougher - she misses being really active like when she was young. She worries that she will miss something going on at the house - an intruder or something "bad" that she can't hear. She does not want him (Hawkeye) to push her out of Alpha status. She just snorted when I told her that I asked angels, fairies and unicorns were assisting with the Reiki...she's not so sure there are unicorns, haha! Love and dignity are important to her....she kind of reminds me of you that way - elegant, but feisty! Maybe next time they go to the vet, ask about something that you can use if her joints bother her - cosequin or something like that? She also said when it's her time that Samba is next in command - not the young one. He has a lot to learn!
Okay - lets see what Samba has to say......
Samba said she might be a mix of breeds, but she is glorious and she is the keeper of peace at the house. I saw her dressed up like the opera character with the horns and breastplate???? She's ready for summer and the boat. She really has this chill, calm vibe. "Well of course there are angels! They are around Mom a lot!" Yes, she has an issue with children because they are not "sensible" - when they run around being wild (being kids), she wants them to calm down - nips and snaps to her are just a way of showing who's in charge and since they're pups they're not in charge! On leash socialization with young kids may help - but her loyalties and priorities are protecting you guys and the home. She doesn't *dislike* kids, but she really doesn't like it when they don't follow the rules (whatever dog rules they may be), and I just got a head tilt when I said what about if the kids are on their own property? This may be be challenging because she doesn't think she's doing anything wrong. So when she’s on the porch barking at the kids it is the dog equivalent of "get offa my lawn!" She likes calm....kiddos are not calm.....though she's not enthused about meeting the kids...she's a grown up and wants to be around grown ups! Boy does she have a stubborn streak. Oof - I asked her to try to be more understanding of the "puppies/kids" on the other property...that it was important to you. Not sure how effective it will be - just really pile on the positive reinforcement when she doesn't bark at them (but does bark appropriately when someone pulls in the drive)......
Reached out to Hawkeye "I'M HERE! I'M HERE! HERE I AM!"
He says he's strong and handsome! And there's so much to do!!! I know he's not, but holy cow he feels like a Jack Russell type energy! Tangential thinker, very smart. I told him that his name is the same as one of my favorite comic book characters and he was pleased, haha! He feels good, doesn't seem to have any complaints...gets impatient with his sisters getting impatient with him? I guess he barks at Patches a lot… he needs to respect his elders! He wants to make sure you make time to play with Hawkeye...you know how boys are!
Okay - Reiki sent for all three for any healing they need from tips of nose to tips of tails. I love the motley mix you have. Thank you for letting me talk to your pups!